What’s Used Cooking Oil Trading At: Market Overview, Trends, and Pricing

Used cooking oil (UCO) has become a valuable commodity in recent years, driven by its increasing use in the production of biofuels, animal feed, and industrial applications.

Used cooking oil (UCO) has become a valuable commodity in recent years, driven by its increasing use in the production of biofuels, animal feed, and industrial applications. The growing emphasis on sustainability and the circular economy has encouraged businesses to recycle and trade used cooking oil, reducing waste and promoting renewable energy sources. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what used cooking oil is trading at, the factors influencing its price, its applications, and how the global market is shaping up.

What is Used Cooking Oil?

Used cooking oil, commonly referred to as UCO, is a byproduct of food production, mainly from commercial kitchens and households. After being used for frying or cooking, the oil undergoes a filtration process to remove food particles and contaminants, making it reusable for various purposes. Once recycled, used cooking oil is primarily utilized in the production of biodiesel, which serves as a renewable and cleaner alternative to traditional fossil fuels.

Key Applications of Used Cooking Oil

  1. Biodiesel Production: The largest demand for used cooking oil comes from the biofuel industry. UCO is a cost-effective feedstock for producing biodiesel, helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional diesel.

  2. Animal Feed: Used cooking oil is also used in animal feed production, providing an energy-dense ingredient that helps in weight gain in livestock.

  3. Oleochemicals and Soaps: The oleochemical industry uses UCO to produce various products, including soaps, detergents, and lubricants.

  4. Cosmetics and Personal Care Products: UCO is refined into fatty acids and esters, which are used in the formulation of skincare and cosmetic products.

What’s Used Cooking Oil Trading At?

The price of used cooking oil can fluctuate significantly depending on various market factors, including demand, supply, quality of the oil, and geopolitical influences. As of 2024, the global used cooking oil market has been trading at an average price of $0.40 to $1.00 per pound, depending on the region and quality of the oil. In the United States and Europe, UCO is priced between $500 and $800 per metric ton, while prices can vary in other regions due to logistical and processing costs.

Factors Influencing Used Cooking Oil Prices

  1. Supply and Demand: The increasing demand for biodiesel is a significant factor in driving UCO prices upward. Countries pushing for renewable energy sources are raising the demand for UCO, particularly in Europe and North America, where green energy mandates are strict.

  2. Quality of UCO: The level of purity and contamination in the oil also affects its price. Higher-quality used cooking oil, with fewer contaminants, fetches a higher price in the market.

  3. Government Regulations: Policies and incentives promoting biofuels significantly impact the UCO market. For instance, the European Union's Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) aims to increase the share of renewable energy in transportation, which has driven up the demand and price of used cooking oil.

  4. Collection and Transportation Costs: Since UCO is collected from various sources such as restaurants, commercial kitchens, and households, logistics play a crucial role in pricing. In areas where collection infrastructure is well-developed, prices tend to be lower due to the reduced cost of gathering and transporting the oil.

  5. Crude Oil Prices: The price of UCO is also linked to the broader energy market. When crude oil prices rise, the demand for alternative fuels like biodiesel increases, which in turn boosts the price of used cooking oil.

Global Market Trends for Used Cooking Oil

The global used cooking oil market is growing at a remarkable pace. In 2023, the market size was valued at approximately USD 6.13 billion, and it is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.3% between 2024 and 2032, reaching nearly USD 10.25 billion by the end of the forecast period.

Regional Insights

  1. North America: The U.S. and Canada are significant players in the used cooking oil market due to their advanced recycling infrastructure and growing biodiesel industries. The U.S. also has robust regulations promoting the use of renewable energy, further boosting UCO demand.

  2. Europe: Europe is a leader in the UCO market, driven by stringent environmental regulations and policies that support the circular economy. Countries like Germany, the UK, and France are major importers and exporters of used cooking oil.

  3. Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region is witnessing growing demand for used cooking oil, particularly in China and India. These countries have large populations and rapidly expanding biofuel markets. However, the UCO collection infrastructure is still developing, which could hamper growth.

  4. Latin America and Middle East: These regions are gradually recognizing the potential of used cooking oil as an energy source, but infrastructure and regulatory support are still in nascent stages.

Key Players in the Used Cooking Oil Market

Several companies are leading the collection, processing, and trading of used cooking oil globally. Some of the major players in the market include:

  1. Neste Corporation: A Finnish company, Neste is one of the world’s largest producers of renewable diesel from used cooking oil.

  2. Valero Energy Corporation: Valero, a leading U.S. energy company, is heavily involved in the biofuel industry, sourcing large amounts of UCO to produce renewable diesel.

  3. Baker Commodities Inc.: An American company specializing in rendering and recycling animal byproducts and used cooking oil for the production of biodiesel.

  4. Greenergy International Ltd.: Based in the UK, Greenergy is a significant player in the European UCO market, supplying biodiesel and renewable fuels.

The Future of Used Cooking Oil Trading

The trading of used cooking oil is expected to expand as the demand for renewable energy continues to rise. With the growing emphasis on carbon neutrality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, UCO’s role as a key feedstock in biodiesel production is likely to increase.

Technological Advancements

Innovations in UCO collection and refining processes are expected to improve oil quality and reduce costs. For instance, automated collection systems and advancements in filtration technology can increase the volume of usable oil extracted from waste.

Sustainability and Circular Economy

The growing interest in sustainability will also play a pivotal role in expanding the UCO market. By recycling waste cooking oil, businesses can contribute to a circular economy, minimizing environmental impact while creating valuable products.

Government Initiatives and Policy Changes

Policies such as tax incentives and subsidies for biofuel producers will likely continue to shape the market. In regions where governments enforce mandates for renewable energy consumption, UCO prices will remain strong. The ongoing push for electric vehicles may introduce competition in the renewable energy space, but biodiesel will continue to be an essential alternative for sectors like aviation, shipping, and heavy transportation.


Used cooking oil has transitioned from a waste product to a valuable commodity in the global market. With applications ranging from biodiesel production to oleochemicals and animal feed, the demand for UCO is growing rapidly. In 2024, UCO is trading between $0.40 and $1.00 per pound, influenced by factors such as supply and demand, quality, and government regulations. As the global push toward renewable energy intensifies, the trading value of used cooking oil is likely to continue its upward trajectory.

For those looking to enter the UCO trading market, understanding the price drivers and staying informed on regulatory changes will be essential. As sustainability becomes a priority, used cooking oil is poised to play an increasingly important role in the future of renewable energy.


1. What factors influence the price of used cooking oil?
The price of used cooking oil is influenced by demand for biodiesel, government regulations, collection and logistics costs, and global crude oil prices.

2. How is used cooking oil collected and processed?
Used cooking oil is typically collected from restaurants and food production facilities, filtered to remove contaminants, and processed for use in biodiesel production, animal feed, and other industrial applications.

3. What is the global demand for used cooking oil?
The global used cooking oil market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.3% between 2024 and 2032, driven primarily by the biodiesel industry and increasing sustainability initiatives.

4. Can I sell used cooking oil?
Yes, businesses and individuals can sell used cooking oil to recyclers and biodiesel producers, who use it as a key raw material.

5. How does UCO contribute to sustainability?
UCO helps reduce waste and carbon emissions by being repurposed into renewable biodiesel, contributing to a circular economy.

6. Which regions are the largest producers of used cooking oil?
North America and Europe are the largest producers and exporters of used cooking oil, followed by growing markets in Asia-Pacific.

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